Delhi Police nabs drug dealer carrying Rs 25,000 bounty from Odisha

Representation Picture (Photo: Delhi Police)

Delhi Police’s Crime Branch on Thursday arrested a man from Odisha, who was on the run from the law enforcement agency, and carrying a reward of Rs 25,000, in a narcotics case.

The police on Thursday said the accused identified as Chitrasen Parida (39), a resident of Ganjman district in Odisha and was evading his arrest for the past three years in a drug case of East district’s Pandav Nagar police station.

According to police, they secret an input from their sources about the man’s hideout in Ganjman district of Odisha, and also learned that he was frequently changing his locations.

A team of Delhi Police crime branch was accordingly sent to Odisha and they carried out a search with the assistance of local police.

With the help of technical as well as manual intelligence the team was able to track the accused, who was later arrested and brought to the national capital following the due legal process.

The man during questioning disclosed his involvement in supplying contraband to drug peddlers of various states including Delhi, and also told the police that he was involved in these activities for many years.

Further disclosing his modus operandi, he said that whenever any of his clients would get arrested by the cops, he would immediately change his address and location, to avoid being traced and apprehended.

For this he would come down to Odisha and used to hide at different places across the state.

The quest for earning quick and easy money and leading a luxurious life got him into the trade.