The Delhi High Court on Friday stayed the Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) government's notification asking private minority unaided schools to accept nursery admission forms using neighbourhood criteria.
The court asked the Delhi government that in future, such circulars should be issued six months prior to starting of nursery admissions.
The High Court had on Thursday said it was "contrary to the constitution and law" to ask private unaided minority schools to follow the January 7 circular of city government.
The circular made 298 private schools – built on Delhi Development Authority land to accept admission forms based only on the neighbourhood or distance criteria.
As per the circular, the minority schools are to treat unreserved seats as open/general seats in which admission will be conducted on the basis of neighbourhood criteria.
Three private unaided minority schools — Mount Carmel School, Ryan International School and Somerville School — have approached the court against the circular saying it infringed their rights to admit students.