The Delhi government on Wednesday launched “I Love Yamuna Campaign” at Chhath Ghat, ITO in a bid to rejuvenate the river.
The programme was inaugurated by Delhi Environment and Forest Minister Gopal Rai. Nearly 1,500 students and teachers from Eco Clubs of different schools in Delhi registered their participation for the “I Love Yamuna Campaign” initiative.
The objective of this programme is to educate children about the significance of the Yamuna River and the issue of pollution in Delhi. All the children present in the programme actively participated in a slogan writing competition related to the cleanliness of the Yamuna River and also pledged to keep the river clean. Additionally, the department distributed medicinal plants to all attendees of the programme.
Rai visited the Yamuna Ghat and inspected the cleanliness campaign after planting saplings during the programme. After that, while addressing the children and teachers present, he said, “Yamuna River is not just any river for Delhi, but it sustains a vast ecosystem within the city.
The majority of Delhi’s water requirements are met by the Yamuna River, making it a crucial resource for both economic and ecological purposes. However, the river’s ecological balance has been disrupted over time due to the excessive discharge of chemicals, plastics, and other non-biodegradable pollutants. Nevertheless, our government is taking all necessary steps to preserve the sanctity of this sacred river.”
The Delhi environment and forest minister said under the Summer Action Plan launched by Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal, a public awareness campaign has been initiated as a significant component.
“As a result of this, the “I Love Yamuna Campaign” is being launched today, with the Environment and Forest Department jointly initiating this noble effort,” Rai said.
He said the government intends to encourage Delhiites to participate actively in tree plantation drives and river cleaning activities through this initiative.
“Nearly 1,500 children and teachers from different eco-clubs of Delhi were present today as part of this virtuous initiative by the government. Our objective is to instil a sense of responsibility and ownership among people towards the preservation of the Yamuna River,” Rai said.