Days after a Punjab woman received injuries after falling off a speeding police vehicle in the Majitha area of Amritsar district, a Dalit rights group on Friday said women are unsafe in the current Congress regime and demanded a full time home minister in the state.
The National Scheduled Castes Alliance (NSCA) president Paramjit Singh Kainth said the Amarinder Singh government was a failure in safeguarding the rights and integrity of women in the state.
Blaming the home ministry portfolio held by the Chief Minister for this trend of violence and oppression against women, Kainth said politicisation of the bureaucracy and mafia raj in the state have contributed as factors towards making the society unsafe for women.
“Increasing trends of violence, rape, sexual and physical assaults, kidnappings etc are a sign of the inefficiency of this government to provide adequate security to the women folk.
The ‘absent’ home minister of the state that is the CM has his hands in too many baskets and this is resulting in the anarchy that is prevailing in the state over the issues of atrocities against women,” he said.
The NSCA president said the Opposition has been mischievously silent over the issues and there is no one in the ranks of these political parties willing to speak up for the rights of women.
“Even the women wings of these parties are proving useless to protect the rights of the section they so overwhelmingly represent. There is no voice that can heed to the deaf ears of this Government to protect the women,” he said.