Condemning the alleged killing of the farmers in Lakhimpur Kheri, the Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) spokesperson and Punjab affairs co-in-charge Raghav Chadha on Monday said the spirit of the tyrannical British rulers has also entered the Narendra Modi-led Central government and the Yogi government of Uttar Pradesh.
Addressing a Press conference with Leader of Opposition Harpal Singh Cheema, Chadha said that an AAP delegation is going to Lakhimpur Kheri in protest against this unfortunate incident.
He said three major demands will be made by the AAP delegation by going to Lakhimpur Kheri. “The first demand would be to get the BJP’s beloved son Ashish arrested, who killed the farmers in the intoxication of power of his father, Union minister of state for home Ajay Mishra,” the AAP leader said.
Chadha said the second demand will be for a fair investigation of the case and punishment to the culprits. The third demand will be the sacking of Mishra, as a fair investigation is not possible until he is in office as Union minister.
Meanwhile, Leader of Opposition Harpal Singh Cheema condemned the incident stating farmers are protesting peacefully after the three black agriculture laws were enacted but the way the ruthless killing of farmers was carried out in Lakhimpur Kheri, this will be called a black day in the history of the BJP government.
Cheema said the Yogi government has created an emergency-like situation in Uttar Pradesh and the BJP government is only trying to save its leader and ministers.