Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath said on Monday that as the slogans ‘Fir Ek Baar Modi Sarkar’ and ‘Abki Baar, 400 Paar’ resonate across the country, the grand-old party Congress is reduced to a position where it cannot even contest 400 seats.
He claimed that not only the country, but the world at large is assured of the NDA’s resounding victory on June 4.
Addressing a public meeting in Maloya in support of BJP candidate Sanjay Tandon, the Chief Minister said, “While the dominance of mafia is visible in Punjab, we have eradicated such goons in UP, and today, there is no one left to even mourn at their graves.”
He alleged that it seems that AAP and Congress have joined hands to loot the public.
Adityanath offered prayers at Maa Bhagwati Chandi Devi and Mata Mansa Devi.
Describing Chandigarh as a remarkable blend of the devotion and power of the gurus, CM Adityanath stated, ”The people are chanting ‘Jo Ram Ko Laye Hai, Hum Unko Layenge’, because those who revere Ram, belong to the nation, and those who do not, are of no use”.
He further criticised Congress intellectuals who claimed the Ram Temple should not have been built in India, suggesting sarcastically that Congress should have built it in Italy instead.
The CM also mentioned that leaders of the INDI Alliance used to threaten the court, warning that a decision on the Ram Temple would lead to riots and bloodshed. He responded by asserting that there would be no more riots in UP, and anyone inciting violence would face strict action. “I said that the day a decision is made on the Ram Temple, that will be the most peaceful day in the universe. There are no more riots in UP. Now, namaz is not held on the streets, and loudspeakers have been removed from mosques. Everyone now wants to live in peace,” the Chief Minister added.
Taking a dig at Congress leader Rahul Gandhi, Adityanath remarked that ”he is the first to flee from the country whenever the country faces a crisis”. The CM also accused the Congress of bringing terrorism, Naxalism, and corruption to India. “During the COVID-19 pandemic, Rahul was nowhere to be seen—neither in Chandigarh nor in UP. At that time, only BJP workers were serving the public. One crore migrants came to UP from various states, and we arranged 14,000 buses to take them to their homes”, Adityanath stated.
Urging people not to become a partner in Congress’ sin, CM Adityanath stressed the importance of electing good representatives with noble intent. “Choosing a good representative brings us good fortune. Today, India is achieving success and earning global respect. Solutions have been found for terrorism, Naxalism, and anarchy. In the past, innocent Indians were killed in terrorist attacks, and when the issue was raised in Parliament, Congress would claim that terrorism originated from across the border. Now, even if a firecracker explodes loudly, Pakistan feels compelled to respond. They understand that this is the new India – if provoked, it will not hold back.”
Highlighting development in the road infrastructure, he said previously, about 12 years ago, it took him 10 hours to reach Chandigarh from Delhi while today one reaches the destination within three hours. “A Congress Prime Minister once said that when they sent 100 paisa for the poor, only 15 paisa reached the poor. This means that the middlemen of Congress used to consume the remaining 85 paise”, he remarked.
“PM Modi opened Jan Dhan accounts, and presently, 100 per cent of the benefits are directly reaching the accounts of the beneficiaries. A wide range of public welfare schemes have been implemented without any discrimination based on the appearance, caste, or religion of the poor”, CM Yogi added.
He said that the 500-year wait in Ayodhya has come to an end. Everyone should come to Ayodhya to have darshan of Lord Ram Lalla, he said.
The CM mentioned that even before the temple, an international airport was built in Ayodhya named after Maharishi Valmiki. ”The construction of the Ram Temple happened with the power of your vote. Every businessman and daughter’s safety can be ensured if BJP is in power,” he stressed.
On the occasion, BJP State President Jitendra Pal Malhotra, National Vice-President Saroj Pandey, MP Kiran Kher, candidate Sanjay Tandon, former UP government ministers Atul Garg, Ramveer Bhatti, Hukum Chand, Amit Jindal, Kuljeet Sandhu and famous singer Kanhaiya Mittal and others dignitaries were present.