The Chandigarh Housing Board (CHB) on Wednesday said it will start cancellation of small flats, allotted by the CHB if the concerned owners fail to deposit their pending dues during the ongoing camps.
An official spokesperson of CHB said the camps are being held till 16 June from 8 am to 1 pm including Saturdays and Sundays in all the respective colonies where the small flats are located.
“Hence the allottees of small flats have only four more days to deposit their dues to avoid cancellation. Accordingly, cancellation notices have already been issued to many allottees and rest of the notices will be issued shortly. The cancellation will start from Monday (17 June),” the spokesperson said.
Since the allottees of small flats were not depositing the dues, despite many efforts in past, the pending due of rent has reached to more than Rs 20 crore. The CHB said it has decided to firstly organise a 10 days camp that provides one more opportunity to the allottees and then start cancellation of allotment of those who will fail to clear the dues after the camp.
Many allottees have cleared their dues during the last six days and CHB has collected more than Rs Two crore at the ongoing camps.
The detail of outstanding dues against each of the allottee or licensee of small flats as on 30 April is available on the website of CHB i.e.
In case there is any discrepancy, dispute, the allottee, the licensee may pay the admitted outstanding dues and contact the Colony Branch at the office of Chandigarh Housing Board (Recovery Section, Block ‘C’) with proof of payment etc. for reconciliation.
In case of cancellation of allotment, the possession of the small flats will be resumed by the Chandigarh Housing Board. Further, in case of the restoration of allotment, the allottee will be required to first clear all the pending dues and also to pay the revival and other applicable charges.
“To avoid these inconveniences, all the allottees or licensees of the small flats are again requested to avail the opportunity of clearing the dues in next four days in the ongoing camps in their locality itself,” the spokesperson said.