In a major development to the Maharashtra resident doctors' strike, the Bombay High Court on Tuesday asked the protesting doctors to resume their duties immediately and said it will hear the matter on junior doctors' mass leave on Wednesday.
The court also added that continued protests might result in contempt of court as the doctors' association had in 2016 given an undertaking that it would not go on strike.
For the second consecutive day on Tuesday, over 3,000 resident doctors continued their mass casual leave protest against growing incidents of attacks by patients' relatives on them.
Medical services in 17 government hospitals in Maharashtra, including four in Mumbai, were severely affected because of the strike.
A PIL was filed by a social activist on Monday in Bombay High Court against the doctors' agitation, which is expected to be heard later on Tuesday.
Thousands of patients have been deprived of medical care in the state. Although senior doctors were handling serious or emergency cases, an estimated 400 scheduled surgeries had to be postponed on Monday.