The rift between the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) and the Trinamool Congress (TMC) in West Bengal took a different turn after Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee was, on Monday, called a ‘hijra’ (eunuch) by a senior leader of the saffron party.
“Mamata Banerjee is practising the politics of appeasement and indulging in theatrics. With the current political situation in Bengal, it is difficult for us to understand whether Mamata Banerjee is a man or a woman. I think she is a eunuch,” BJP state committee member Shyamapada Mondal said while addressing a party meet in West Midnapore.
The ruling TMC and other parties have called the comments ‘indicative of the BJP’s rotten culture’ and Kolkata’s transgender activists have condemned what they see as an undesirable attitude towards the community and a woman politician.
Reacting to Mondal’s remark, TMC leader Partha Chatterjee said, "They think they'll make their party stronger through such remarks".
This is not the first time that the West Bengal chief minister has faced such abuses from the BJP leaders.
Earlier in the month, a leader of the Bharatiya Janata Yuva Morcha (BJYM) had announced a cash reward of Rs. 11 lakh for West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee's head, following a lathicharge at Birbhum district to disperse a rally raising slogans of Jai Sri Ram on Hanuman Jayanti.