Delhi Finance Minister Manish Sisodia on Wednesday said that BJP has driven Indias economy into ground and currently GDP growth rate is lowest since 2014, private investment is lowest in 25 years, and job creation in lowest in eight years.
Addressing media here, Sisodia said that demonetisation, the “botched-up” GST rollout and ‘raid raj’ has led to this situation.
“Yashwant Sinha has today reiterated what many leading economists have been saying in recent months – Indian economy is already a mess and it is further headed for disaster,” Sisodia said, referring to an article written by the former Union Finance Minister in the first NDA government.
Sisodia said that from thee fastest growing economy, the Modi government has thrown the Indian economy into a free fall, which will have disastrous consequences for the country.
“Modi promised to create one crore jobs every year and launched Skill India, Startup India and Make in India. None of these have worked so far, as official figures from the Labour Bureau show that only 1.55 lakh jobs were created in 2015 and 2.31 lakh jobs in 2016,” he said.
The minister said that strong economies cannot be built on a foundation of fear and intolerance.
“However over the last three years, a climate of hate and intolerance is being systematically propagated by the ruling party. Journalists are being killed, media has become a state puppet and opposition parties are being victimised through state institutions,” he said.
Sisodia said that Modi government should take immediate corrective measures to save the country from an economic disaster.
He added that the central government must consult all stakeholders, including elected state governments on how to salvage the situation.