With the arrest of two persons, the Special Task Force of Crime Branch and Sambalpur district police on Wednesday claimed to have unearthed a well-knit racket in counterfeit currency notes while making a seizure of over Rs 15 lakh value fake notes from a Jana Seva Kendra (common service centre).
Two accused persons identified as Podar Prasad Sahu and Janmajaya Bagh, have been arrested from Nua Adhapada village under Jujumara Police Station jurisdiction of Sambalpur district. Both are natives of Sambalpur district. While Sahu owned the Jana Seva Kendra, Bagh masterminded the racket.
The racket was busted on the basis of an intelligence feedback. The entire sum of fake notes was seized from the Jana Seva Kendra. Both the accused persons were graduates and were computer savvy.
Two laptops, a colour printer, crisp papers used for note making besides chemicals were also retrieved from them, the officials said.
The arrested persons were booked under sections 489-A/489-B/489-C/489-D/120(B) of Indian Penal Code and are currently being interrogated.
From preliminary investigation, it has been found that the fake note racket was being run by them in marketplaces in rural areas. However we are investigating all angles as there is likelihood of their complicity with a bigger racket based outside the state, said STF officials.
“We are looking into all possible angles to ascertain the accused persons’ possible link with subversive and anti-national elements. However it is being suspected that the arrested people might have nexus with some fake currency racketeers of other states”, added the officer.