City residents urged to take part in ‘Stay Fit & Stay Healthy’ campaign


The Bhubaneswar Smart City authorities on Sunday urged cycling and walking enthusiasts to register their efforts through the Inter-City Freedom 2 Walk & Cycle Campaign to help the city win the national challenge.

The city has in the meanwhile secured its place in the Phase-I of the Cycle4Change initiative. The Inter-City Freedom 2 Walk and Cycle Campaign is an initiative of the Smart Cities Mission, Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs (MoHUA) of the union government to inspire and encourage citizens to participate in the city challenge of “Stay Fit – Stay Healthy”, said officials.

The cities across the country with the most kilometers of walking and cycling will be recognized for their efforts by the Smart Cities Mission, MoHUA. Therefore, the more participation from citizens, the more the chances of the city to win this challenge, they said.

For this challenge, the participating citizens have to do some small things after registration in the event, i.e. cycling walking, or both. As an initial step citizens should connect to a device to track their activity either through – (i) Fitbit, (ii) Strava, or (iii) Google Fit.

The participating citizens are required to record their activities till 26 January. Citizens can register themselves for the challenge by scanning the QR code – on cycling and walking.

In order to count the cycle ride towards the Inter-City Challenge, each citizen must activate the Strava/recordings application before their ride.

The application will calculate the number of kilometers traveled and automatically update the data on your city’s Decathlon page in 24 hours.

The city residents could register themselves by two different links and QR codes for Bhubaneswar For #Freedom2Walk Challenge the link: Challenge the link:, they concluded.