Several members of the AAP including its Trade Wing vice-president Shamsher Chahar and other party officials and active members from West Delhi’s Janakpuri on Wednesday joined the BJP in presence of Union Minister of State, Harsh Malhotra. According to the Delhi BJP, around 100 AAP workers were part of the transition, which included active associates of various religious and business orghanisations in the West Delhi area.
Speaking on the occasion, Malhotra stated that these workers of the AAP initially joined the party after falling for Arvind Kejriwal’s promises, while many of them even sacrificed jobs or businesses only to be allegedly betrayed, under the guise of an anti-corruption movement.
The BJP leader claimed that the individuals realized that Kejriwal’s governance is allegedly rooted in personal benefit, as evidenced by the liquor policy scam.Malhotra accused the AAP chief of allegedly designing a policy to extract higher commissions, increasing the commission rate for contractors from 2 per cent to 12 per cent, solely to gain kickbacks.
The BJP leader pointed out that Kejriwal is a rare example of a CM who did not resign even after going to jail, and further criticized AAP chief’s leadership and governance, citing instances where promises were made but only resulted in alleged corruption. He claimed that significant leaders and activists leaving AAP, and joining the BJP is a testament to the dissatisfaction with Kejriwal’s policies.