Leader of Opposition in Delhi Assembly Vijender Gupta on Tuesday accused the Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) government of conspiring to shut down 12 colleges affiliated with Delhi University (DU) by deliberately withholding their funds.
Attacking the ruling dispensation, he said, “The so-called ‘education revolution’ of the AAP government is a facade. The AAP government, which fully funds 12 colleges affiliated with DU has intentionally withheld their funds in a dangerous conspiracy to shut them down.”
He claimed that over the past 10 years, the city government has consistently neglected these colleges and has never provided grants on time.
“The AAP government has decided to shift these 12 colleges to a self-financing mode under the guise of ‘pattern of assistance’, intending to raise fees. This move directly impacts the current students and those seeking admission to these colleges,” he said.
The government has not allocated funds for the maintenance of colleges established for rural girls during the BJP regime, leaving their buildings in a dilapidated state, he alleged.
Gupta asserted when the AAP came to power in Delhi, it had promised to open new colleges to provide quality education to the youth, but it has not established a single new college.
“This proves that the AAP government is not interested in education but is more focused on misleading people under its banner. It has now been proven that the Delhi government under AAP has systematically destroyed higher education and academic institutions, leaving women, the poor, and marginalized sections of society with limited access to quality higher education,” he said.