The Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) unit in Punjab has announced to bring a resolution demanding implementation of Swaminathan Commission recommendations and the loan waiver promised by the Chief Minister Amarinder Singh during the ensuing Budget Session of state Assembly.
This was announced by the Leader of Opposition (LoP) Sukhpal Singh Khaira at Cheema Mandi, Sunam to support the cause of agitating Bharatiya Kisan Union (BKU) Sidhupur farmers, prevented by Punjab police to proceed for their all India protest at Delhi which was slated for 23 February.
While addressing the agitating farmers, Khaira lambasted CM for allegedly playing into the hands Narendra Modi-led Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) government by detaining the farmers Khaira said it was a black day for Indian democracy, as the voice of farmers was being gagged by the BJP and the Congress jointly.
As many as 67 farm organisations had planned to hold an all India protest against the mounting debt on farmers leading to nationwide suicides. Farmers across India were up in arms against gross discrimination on the issue of unfair pricing of their crops, he said.
Amarinder Singh has not only cheated the farmers of Punjab by making false promises of loan waiver but was now acting vindictively against them, by not allowing them to even protest peacefully against the Modi government by going to Delhi. As per data, more than 360 farmers have committed suicides in the state ever since Amarinder Singh assumed the office of CM on 16 March, 2017, Khaira said.
Khaira promised the agitating farmers, that his party would bring an official resolution in the ensuing budget session of the Assembly, seeking implementation of Swaminathan Committee recommendations of 50 per cent profit to farmers over and above all input costs while fixing the minimum support price (MSP) of crops.
He also assured the farmers that they would press upon the Amarinder Singh government to fulfil the promise of complete debt waiver of farmers including the banks and commission agents, which was approx Rs One Lakh Crore.