Chief Minister Jai Ram Thakur on Thursday said the 550th Prakash Utsav (the birth anniversary of Guru Nanak Dev Ji) would be celebrated as a state-level function at Shimla and all possible help would be provided to make it a mega event.
Addressing the meeting on the celebration of 550th year of Prakash Utsav on 28-29 September, he said that Prakash Utsav was one of the most sacred festivals celebrated worldwide by people from different religions and faiths who adore and respect Guru Nanak Dev and his preachings.
“Guru Nanak was the founder and head of one of the most dynamic and vibrant religions in the world. The 550th Prakash Utsav is one of the most sacred festivals for people from different religions and faiths all over the world who adore and respect Guru Nanak Dev and his preachings.
This is what makes this Guru Nanak Jayanti or Guru Parv more significant,” he added.
Thakur said the celebrations would begin with Prabhat Pheris (early morning processions) starting from the Gurudwara bus stand and would reach the Ridge.
All the major official buildings of the town would be decorated and the government would provide all possible help to the SGPC for ensuring that the event becomes a historic one.
A convention would be held on the teachings and life of Guru Nanak Dev in Gaiety Theatre besides an essay competition of school children.
The Chief Minister said that Army, Police and Home Guard bands would be deployed on the occasion besides ensuring adequate arrangements for parking in the town.
He said that efforts would also be made to have an impressive light and sound system on the occasion.
He said that this year, the Union government has issued directions to celebrate Guru Nanak’s 550th birth anniversary in a grand manner and spread his message of universal brotherhood and peace.
The state government would also extend full cooperation and support to the SPGC, Shimla for smooth celebrations of the event.