The Serious Fraud Investigation Office (SFIO) in Mumbai has summoned ICICI Bank’s Chief Executive Officer Chanda Kochhar and Axis Bank’s Shikha Sharma in connection with the recent bank fraud case involving jeweller Nirav Modi and his uncle Mehul Choksi.
Kochhar and Sharma will appear before the (SFIO) in Mumbai on Tuesday afternoon, sources in the agency said.
Sources said the two top bank officials would be questioned with regard to giving loan facility to the Gitanjali Group.
ICICI Bank is believed to have extended a loan of Rs 1,000 crore and Axis Bank Rs 700 crore last year to Mehul’s Choksi Gitanjali Gems.
According to another source, officials of country’s largest lender State Bank of India have been called for questioning.
Both Modi and Choksi are alleged to have frauded Punjab National Bank with Rs 12,600 crore. They have since fled from country.
(With inputs from agencies)