BBMB organizes Yoga program today as a part of Yoga Mahotsav-2022

BBMB responding to the clarion call by Ministry of Power, Govt. of India, organized Yoga programs today at its various project stations as a part of Yoga Mahotsav, an event of 100 days countdown in run up to the 8th International Yoga Day on 21st June 2022. Sh. Sanjay Srivastava, Chairman BBMB underlined the benefits of yoga, based on the unity of mind & body and holistic approach to health. Sh. H. S. Chugh, Member-Power told that Yoga sessions are regularly conducted in Bhakra Beas Management Board with great enthusiasm.
Sh. Rahul Kansal, Joint Secretary/Public Relation told that BBMB’s officers/employees observed Common Yoga Protocol (CYP) under the guidance of a renowned Yoga Instructor at BBMB Rest House, Sector-35, Chandigarh. On this occasion, Er. B. S. Sinhmar Director/HRD, Er. N. P. Sharma/Director, Er. Sawinder Singh/SE, Er. I. S. Bajwa/SE, Sh. S. P. Rana/Dy. CAO, Sh. Jaspawat Singh/AFA, Er. Anil Dhawan/Dy. Director, Sh. Mahesh Kumar/SO and other officers/employees were present.