ASDC partners with RTI to boost skilled workforce for EV Industry

ASDC and RTI joins Hands

(Picture- ASDC file photo)

With a focus on public transportation, the Automotive Skills Development Council (ASDC) and Research Triangle Institute (RTI) India have teamed to create a comprehensive institutional capacity and skills development programme for electric mobility in Kakinada Smart City, Andhra Pradesh.

The United Kingdom Government is funding this initiative through the UK Partnering for Accelerated Climate Transitions (UK PACT) programme. The Kakinada Municipal Corporation oversees the UK PACT program’s operation.

Having qualified technicians and a competent crew on board is essential as electric vehicles (EV) become a more and more popular means of transportation.

This project aims to overcome the institutional capacity gaps in a future where electrified public transport is envisioned to be an important constituent of smart cities. 

Two technical training courses, namely EV repair and service technician and EV charging station attendant, are part of the skill-building programme.

The training programmes are designed to upskill marginalised youth in order to develop job opportunities and skilled labour in the electric mobility sector.

The two technical training modules are available to 66 qualified applicants who meet the minimal educational requirements. Pithapur Raja’s Government College in Kakinada is where the trainings are taking place.

The ASDC wants to make India self-sufficient in terms of the availability of trained labour to support growth and boost domestic auto sector competitiveness.

Arindam Lahiri, CEO, ASDC said: “As a council, we are encouraging such initiative by providing practical training, apprenticeship, and internship opportunities to the program students to make the workforce industry ready. Making automotive job aspirants future-ready skilled in electric vehicle technology will help optimize employment opportunities.”

“Inclusion of women in workforce have always been challenging in the automotive industry, electric vehicle offers an opportunity for us to enhance the women inclusion in the industry. We are extremely happy to see women participation, who want to take up career in electric vehicle technician or service job roles,” further he added.