Dystopia, a new book by Manoj Jain, released

The book's main theme is belongingness.

Manoj Jain, celebrated author of “Ramona” and “Balraj”, has come out with yet another book. “Dystopia”, his most recent book, highlights the social problems that need to be documented for self-analysis as an individual as well as part of an overall social ecosystem.

The event was different from the usual book launches as a skit was performed on the stage by a group of actors to introduce the characters. It involved the life story of all the main characters, generating a buzz among the viewers.

The author said the main inspiration behind writing this came from the fact that “most of us are the results of our childhood”. “Our upbringing, emotional security and the relationships we make along the way frame us as a person,” he said.

The story follows five people with five different journeys and stories but all of them constantly desire happiness and hope. They reach a crossroad in their lives where a mystery of the suicide of an eighteen-year-old girl forces them to look deeper into their lives and understand it. Five friends meet at a dinner party and are compelled to face the ghosts of their past, present and future.

The book mainly focuses on the theme that most of the problems of the life are caused by unresolved issues of the childhood. It follows five different narratives and is centred around the story of an 18-year-old girl who committed suicide rather than facing life.