Rida Shafeek and Aditi Koul of National Public School, Koramangla, Bangalore, on Thursday lifted the National Crossword Champion trophy after winning the Grand Finale of the CCCC Cryptic Crossword Contest 2017.
Amar Mishra and Devpriya Saswata of Navrachana School, Vadodara, the winner of the last edition, won the second position.
Anish Bajaj and Arav Agarwal of The Mother’s International School, New Delhi, came third.
The winners received their prizes from Anil Swarup, Secretary, School Education and Literacy, Human Resource Development (HRD) Ministry, and Supriya Sahu of Doordarshan.
The three-day Grand Finale of this annual inter-school contest was launched on 21 November at the auditorium of the Kendriya Vidyalaya No.2 in Delhi Cantt.
Thirty six teams, winners of the preliminary round held across India, participated in the Grand Finale which comprised a written elimination round, 8 quarter-finals, 3 semi-finals and a final.
Doordarshan has recorded the event for a deferred telecast.
Shashwat Sanjeev, a class IX student of Don Bosco Academy, Patna, also received the National Winner trophy for A- Clue-A-Day daily online challenge hosted on crypticsingh.com, the website of Extra C, a civil society initiative based in Patna.
CCCC Cryptic Crossword Contest too is conducted by Extra C.
This was the 5th edition of the competition.