With the Lok Sabha election knocking at the door, the ruling party’s district leadership and the Opposition BJP’s leaders are figuratively rolling up their sleeves, coming out with report cards of their performance towards their constituencies in the five years term.
The Serampore MP Mr Kalyan Banerjee, speaking to mediapersons, lashed out at Hooghly MP locket Chatterjee over her alleged indifferent attitude towards her constituency. Mr Banerjee said: “In her five-year term Locket Chatterjee was never seen with the people of her constituency. She has deprived the people of her constituency of the most needed progress and development. She was never available to hear the needs and woes of the people of her constituency. Hooghly lok sabha constituency is lagging far behind in progress and development work. She has hardly raised development issues in Parliament to benifit the people of her constituency.
The people of Hooghly have a lot of resentment towards the working style of Locket Chatterjee, and have made up their mind to throw out the BJP completely from the entire district.” “Mamata Banerjee is the symbol of progress and development and Locket Chatterjee is going to face a historic defeat,” he said. Locket Chatterjee, responding to Mr Banerjee’s remarks, said: “Kalyan Banerjee must first be sure if he is really going to again contest from the Serampore seat.
Moreover his image have been badly tarnished after he mimicked the vice president of India. Even if he contests from Serampore Lok Sabha seat he is going to experience a massive defeat.”