The Election Commission of India (ECI) removed three police officials, including superintendent of Sundarbans district police and sub-divisional police officer (SDPO) of Minakhan, which includes the much-publicised political hotbed Sandeshkhali, from their respective posts ahead of the seventh and final phase of general election in nine constituencies – Kolkata North, Kolkata South, Jadavpur, Joynagar, Bashirhat, Barasat, Mathurapur, Diamond Harbour and Dum Dum.
The ECI has issued a notice on Tuesday directing the state government not to involve the three police officials with any kind of administrative activities related to elections with immediate effect.
The national poll panel has directed the state government to recommend names as replacements of the three officials. The three officials are Koteswar Rao, an IPS in charge of Joynagar and Mathurapur LS constituencies, under the Sundarbans police district, Aminul Islam, SDPO of Minakhan and Debashis Sarkar, inspector in-charge (IC) of Rahara police station.
Opposition parties, BJP, CPM and Congress have been raising their voices against Mr Islam for his alleged inactiveness to prevent criminal activities in Sandeshkhali. The SDPO of Minakhan sub-division looks after Bashirhat constituency that includes Sandeshkhali Assembly in North 24-Parganas district.
Sandeshkhali hogged headlines across the country after officials of the Enforcement Directorate (ED) probing the ration distribution scam involving thousands of crores of rupees along with CRPF men on 5 January had raided the Akunjipara residence of Sheikh Shahjahan, a Trinamul Congress leader, to explore his link in the scam were severely attacked by locals. Shahjahan who was arrested by police on 29 February had allegedly masterminded the attack on the ED and central security personnel.