Peacocks in Bandel under threat

(Representational Image; Source: iStock)

The natural habitation of peacocks at Rajhat in Bandel is under threat due to illegal deforestation and trespassing. For years, the Kalya family has devoted themselves to taking care of the peacocks, who move about freely and take shelter in the trees. Chandan Clement Singh, a nature activist, said that the thick vegetation and large number of trees and water bodies have helped the peacocks to survive at Rajhat.

However, indiscriminate felling of trees has destroyed the thick canopy which sheltered the large number of peacocks from the strong sun. At present, the peacocks find themselves exposed to the unbearable heat.

The felling of trees has destroyed the widespread natural habitat for them. With water bodies drying up, and the Kunti river being a little too far, the peacocks lack access to a good watering hole.

The help and care provided by the locals is not enough for the healthy survival of India’s national bird. Singh went on to thank the Kalya family, residing nearby and taking care of the birds for decades. The local administration should come forward to save the birds from hunger and thirst, and also provide medication, Singh added.

A senior member of the Kalya family, Upendra Nath Kalya, said, “We feel that the large number of peacocks, roaming freely, are also a part of our family. They come to our doorstep, we try to feed them as much as possible, provide water and even nurse them and provide necessary care and medication. However, our means are limited.

The administration should come forward to save the peacocks from extinction at Rajhat in Bandel.”