Pallavi Dey, popular actress of Bengali series, died mysteriously. The hanging body was recovered from her Garfa apartment on Sunday. She came to the notice of the audience by acting in the series ‘Ami Sirajer Begum’. She was rushed to MR Bangur Hospital on Sunday morning after being found hanging at home. There the doctors pronounced her dead. Police of Garfa police station have already registered a case of unnatural death.
According to police sources, she had been living with a friend for the last one and a half years. They slept in separate rooms last night. The man woke up in the morning and saw that the door of her room was locked from inside. Through the lock hole, he saw the actress hanging from a fan with a bedsheet around her neck. From there she was rescued and taken to the hospital, where the actress was pronounced dead, although no suicide note was found from the house. There are no signs of wounds on Pallavi’s body. But what caused her death or did she commit suicide? The whole is subject to investigation. Fog has been created around the death of Pallabi. The body has been sent for autopsy. The exact cause of death will be known only after receiving the report.
Pallavi played the role of Siraj’s Lutfa in the series ‘Ami Sirajer Begum’. She was also seen in the series ‘Resham Jhampi’ before that. She also acted in a series called ‘Kunjchaya’. Pallavi was currently playing the lead role in a series called ‘Mann Mane Naa’.