BJP leader Piyali Das alias Mampi Das, who was granted bail by Calcutta High Court on Friday, finally walked free today and hit out at chief minister Mamata Banerjee saying that she won’t let her go unscathed and vowed to defeat her party.
Mrs Das, the alleged BJP leader, who Calcutta High court acquitted from “unlawful imprisonment” by staying the non-bailable section allegedly slapped by the state police told newspersons after coming out from Dum Dum correctional home that there were neither any falsehood in their alleged complaints of atrocities against women at Sandeshkhali nor had their stir ever driven by politics.
On Friday, Justice Joy Sengupta of Calcutta High Court in a strong rebuff to the state police asked whether the state police and judge of the lower court were not aware of the Supreme Court order involving applying non-bailable sections against an accused?