A Higher Secondary examination girl candidate Amina Khatoon from Khanakul fell sick in the examination centre. She was rushed to Khanakul Gramin Hospital. After her recovery, she continued writing her English paper from the hospital bed, under strict vigilance.
Amina, a student of Ghoshpur Netaji Vidyapith as usual, reached her examination centre at Thakuranichak Union High School, said the headmaster. While writing her examination, Amina felt severe chest pain and fell senseless. We rushed her to Khanakul Gramin Hospital. After receiving treatment she felt much better and agreed to continue with her English paper. All arrangements were made for Amina to write her exam from the hospital bed.
Amina said she is suffering from chest problems for which she is undergoing treatment but didn’t expect the severe pain to reoccur during her examination.