In another incident police arrested 19 persons for a high-tech scam to hack devices and squeeze money. Police said using the guise of installing antivirus software to run computers and laptops smoothly, a group in Kolkata was running a high-tech scam to hack devices, steal sensitive data, and extort money in exchange for gift coupons, ultimately transferring the funds into their own accounts. Based on a complaint, the Kolkata Police’s detective department launched an investigation and uncovered a fraudulent call center operating in the Ballygunge area. Investigators are now focused on identifying the mastermind behind the scam. According to police sources, the fake call center was operating out of a flat on Mullen Road, Ballygunge, for several days. The scam targeted primarily US citizens, luring them with the promise of installing Norton antivirus software. Under the pretext of installing the software, the scammers hacked into computers and laptops to steal data. They then forced the victims to purchase gift coupons worth hundreds of dollars, with the money being transferred to the scammers’ accounts. This is how the fraudsters were steadily increasing their bank balances.
The Kolkata Police detective department began their investigation following a financial fraud complaint. Upon discovering the fraudulent call center in Ballygunge, the anti-rowdy section raided the flat on Monday night and arrested 19 people. All the suspects lived together and operated the illegal call center from the flat.