Alleging that the entire Sandeshkhali imbroglio was the handiwork of the BJP, Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee on Sunday asked PM Narendra Modi to stop shedding crocodile tears as the conspiracy has now come to light. “You can get back the money but you can never never get back the selfrespect of mothers,” said Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee at an election rally in Birbhum today, referring to the alleged sting video footage of a BJP leader in which the latter purportedly admits that money was paid to some women to raise allegations against local Trinamul Congress leaders.
Miss Banerjee said that BJP has mastered the art of scripting fake videos and the Sandeshkhali incident is their latest creation. “This party is now becoming uncontrollable. The PM is coming to Sandeshkhali and shedding his crocodile’s tears for the women of Sandeshkhali, though at the same time he remains mum on atrocities on women in Manipur or in the Revanna sex scandal case in Karnataka,” Miss Banerjee said. The entire incident of Sandeshkhali is cooked up and money power has been used, she alleged. In the coming days the truth of the Sandeshkhali incident will be unveiled, the CM said. “It was a deliberate ploy to defame the ruling party of the state and get political gains in the elections,”she said. Miss Banerjee said that there has been a lot of development work in Birbhum due to team work. “Anubrata Mondal was an efficient organiser; he has been put behind the bars for a long time. If he had joined the BJP he would have been roaming freely outside. But it is a fact that one day definitely Anubrata Mondal will get bail and come out of prison. He has already been asked to work for the BJP in the polls and get bail. You just wait and see, after the polls of Birbhum are over Kesto will get bail,” Miss Banerjee said.
“All three members of the Election Commission of India are selected by the BJP and they are changing (police) ICs, OCs, DIGs almost every day on the basis of the complaint of the BJP,” the CM said. Miss Banerjee later participated in a roadshow in Burdwan town with party candidate Kirti Azad. She reached Burdwan on a helicopter from Labhpur at 4:45 p.m. today. She led the 3 kilometre roadshow, walking along the old GT Road stretch where nearly 10,000 people joined. The march started at the Spandan Sports Complex and ended at Burdwan Police Line. While crossing a gurdwara, she made a brief halt and the Sikh community members offered bouquets to her. She also halted at another crossing where emigrant labourers from Bihar were waiting for Kirti Azad and told them: “Kirti is a nice man. Vote for him.