The CPM state secretary, Md Salim, contesting from the Murshidabad Lok Sabha (LS) constituency, on Tuesday caught two ‘fake polling agents’ from two separate booths during polling and accused the rival Trinamul Congress of preventing voters from casting their votes.
One of the two ‘fake agents’ was arrested by the police.
The first incident took place at Gopinathpur Children Education Centre polling booth, this morning.
Md Salim while visiting different booths across seven Assembly areas under the Murshidabad parliamentary seat since morning reached Booth 36 at Gopinathpur Children Education Centre and heard that a ‘fake agent’ engaged by Trinamul Congress allegedly beat up one CPM agent Mustaq, preventing the latter from entering into the booth.
Then the CPM candidate spotted the ‘fake agent’ and challenged him seeking to know his documents as an authentic polling agent. But he could not show valid documents to the CPM candidate.
Md Salim dragged him out of the polling booth and later police arrested him.
Salim alleged, “Someone was found sitting inside the booth while my polling agent was not seen there. I demanded the sector officer to arrest the man (fake agent) but the latter was reluctant.”
After Gopinathpur, one more ‘fake agent’ was caught by the CPM candidate in another polling booth at Keshabpur.
The ‘fake agent’ said he was deputed at the free primary school polling booth at Keshabpur by a local Trinamul Congress leader.
The CPM state secretary was seen hopping from one booth to another soon after he came to know about booth jamming, allegedly sponsored by Trinamul Congress throughout his constituency during the day.
In some areas, Trinamul Congress supporters staged agitations shouting ‘go back slogans’ against Md Salim.
“They had plans to depute fake agents so that people can’t cast their votes. But I have foiled the game plan of Trinamul Congress by visiting different booths as much as possible,” Md Salim said.
On the other hand, Trinamul Congress has lodged complaints against Md Salim with the Election Commission of India (ECI) alleging that he has harassed workers of the ruling party at many booths. In some cases, Trinamul Congress men were roughed up allegedly by the CPM candidate, according to the complaints lodged by the Trinamul Congress.
The national poll panel has sought a report in this regard.