Adhir Sarkar, the vice-president of a BJP booth committee, was brutally attacked and killed by a group of miscreants yesterday night in Nadia, West Bengal. The incident occurred in Arbandi 2 panchayat in Santipur in Nadia as Sarkar was returning home after participating in the Durga Puja immersion procession. The BJP worker was severely beaten near Bara Jiyakur Bazar, leaving him in an unconscious state. Despite the swift response of the Santipur Police, Sarkar was declared dead at the hospital.
Leader of Opposition Suvendu Adhikari condemned the death, squarely blaming the Trinamul Congress-backed goons. Taking to social media platform X, Adhikari wrote: “Even the festive season in WB hasn’t deterred the TMC goons from engaging in violence and carrying out attacks on opposition political workers, especially those from the BJP.” led by a group of miscreants yesterday night. The incident occurred in Arbandi 2 panchayat in Santipur in Nadia as Sarkar was returning home after participating in the Durga Puja immersion procession. The BJP worker was severely beaten near Bara Jiyakur Bazar, leaving him in an unconscious state.
Despite the swift response of the Santipur Police, Sarkar was declared dead at the hospital. Leader of Opposition Suvendu Adhikari condemned the death, squarely blaming the Trinamul Congress-backed goons. Taking to social media platform X, Adhikari wrote: “Even the festive season in WB hasn’t deterred the TMC goons from engaging in violence and carrying out attacks on opposition political workers, especially those from the BJP.”