The Arambagh MP Aparupa Poddar refuted the claim made by Prime minister Narendra Modi about large-scale development work taking place in Hooghly district and in the state, at a public meeting at Kalipur in Arambagh.
The Arambagh MP said, “I have raised different development issues about Arambagh development work in the Parliament but all in vain. Raja Rammohan from Khanakul, Arambagh was the first to travel by train during British rule. People of Arambagh are nostalgic about it. During the parliament session, I explained the need for railway connectivity from the birth place of Raja Rammohan Roy in Khanakul to the nearest railway station Mayapur but till day it remains unfulfilled by the central government.
After 10 years, the Prime Minister has stepped into this place to inaugurate various railway projects. Moreover, the railway projects meant for Hooghly district have no details and particulars about the date of commencement and the date of completion of the launched railway projects in Hooghly district. The announcement of railway projects after 10 years and just before the Lok Sabha election is nothing but a pre-planned election propaganda,” said Arambagh MP.
The Prime minister has a lot to speak about Arambagh, Krishnanagar, Barasat but he kept quiet about Hooghly Lok Sabha development since the Hooghly Lok Sabha MP Locket Chatterjee has done nothing for her constituency.