Delhi customs have seized gold in the form of chemical paste hidden in the strip of the traveler’s underwear at the Indira Gandhi International Airport (IGIA).
According to Delhi Customs, on the basis of intelligence developed by the Air Intelligence Unit (AIU), a passenger arriving from Jeddah (Saudi Arabia) to Delhi via Kuwait was intercepted after crossing the Green Channel of Customs.
On growing suspicion of the Customs officials, he was taken inside the AIU room for interrogation.
During interrogation, he confessed to having concealed gold in chemical paste form in the strip of the underwear worn by him as he was wearing a pair of them.
The paste was found to be weighing 1,321 grams which seemed to be appearing like gold. A further probe in the matter has been initiated.
Earlier on Wednesday, the Customs had seized approximately 19 kg of Hydroponic weed (Marijuana) valued at around 9.5 crores at IGIA.
Two Indian passengers who had arrived from Phuket (Thailand) to New Delhi were booked in this regard.
The NDPS substance was concealed in 20 polythene packets kept in three trolley bags.